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외국인 치과 외국인 진료 "스마트치과"


 SMart Dental smart clinic

SMart  check-ups with regular hygiene visit.
You will have decent evaluation equipment like low radiation dose digital radiograph.
You will be advised for maintain dental health by dentist and certified dental hygienists.
We can provide all your radiographs and dental records including treatment options written
in English for your future dentist in all over the world, if you want.
We offer simple dental treatment (3rd molar extraction, Cavity, Root canal, Cleaning, etc) to
Complicated treatment such as smile make-over cosmetic dentistry, implant treatment.)
We accept Korean medical Insurance.


iTero Digial clinic
       No more Goops, Gagging, Discomfort !!
       Spent less time in dentist’s office and more time enjoying new smile
       We are the first dental office that use Digital impression system called i-Tero in Korea


Zoom Teeth Whitening 
       Transform your smile to WOW
       Brighter and whiter within only One hour One visit.


3. Dental implant clinic
    There are many reason losing your teeth. Call SMart  Dental for teeth back.
     We are using 3D CT from Vatech which is optimized for dental implants.
     We provide minimally invasive treatment and customized treatment schedule.
     We provide many treatment options including no treatments.


If you looking for plastic surgeon, dermatologist, OBGY, and / or others, let us know,
We will fine good doctors for you.
Any questions ? Please, Don’t hesitate ask Dr Kim












Smart Dental: http://www.smart-dental.co.kr/intro/eng_01.asp